Life in Abundance

Life can be pretty hard at times – especially when your experience is that of falling through the cracks of society… According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, one of the basic needs of life is food. Without food life is not possible.

Over the past year we have seen an initial steady increase in numbers at our daily soup kitchen as well as those coming for food parcels. However, since August the numbers have literally being running away with us.  Attendance at the soup kitchen has about doubled, while the food parcels have gone through the roof, increasing from 31 in March to 135 in August!  For far too many people there is really seemingly no ‘life in abundance.’

In deviation from Maslow, we however believe at Towers of Hope that the key to ‘life in abundance’ is not firstly to be found in enough food or water, but in HOPE. We believe and we have seen, that no-one can really life the ‘abundant life’ without HOPE. The HOPE that is only possible through our Lord Jesus Christ.

On Christmas Day we again want to remind those who are falling through the cracks of society, that life is still worth the living because our Lord lives.  

Jesus said:

I have come that you may have life, and that in abundance (John 10:10)

Come and be part of this celebration of the abundant life in Jesus on Christmas Day 2023 @ Towers of Hope by either:

  • Availing yourself the week before Christmas with assisting in the packing of the gift parcels or the preparation of the Christmas meal
  • Assisting on Christmas Day by getting everything ready beforehand, or by pre-packing the meals and handing it out together with the gift parcels
  • Partnering with us by contributing either in natura or through funding for what is needed for the day (See the attachment, Christmas meal ingredients).

Whatever way you decide to be involved this year, know that all and any contributions are appreciated tremendously.  We thank you beforehand. Have a blessed Christmas!

Photo’s Christmas 2022 @ Towers of Hope